
in Montogue Quiz


in Montogue Quiz

Here are 3 aspects of our website that enable users to contribute to Montogue safely and reliably.

Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate

    Montogue uses a lifetime Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate, which was obtained from our web host (Hostinger) in 2021. 

GiveWP WordPress Plugin

    Our donation platform was configured with the GiveWP WordPress plugin. This plugin has more than 100,000 downloads and allows for a secure, streamlined donation experience that requires only the contributor’s name and email.

PayPal and Stripe

PayPal and Stripe

    Donations are processed with PayPal and Stripe, two of the most reputable payment gateways out there. All billing information is processed by the payment gateways; none of your credit card data is stored in our website. 

Any questions?

Don’t hesitate to contact us via the contact form page or directly to

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