Cruise Flight Performance of Piston-Prop Aircraft

This article is a complement to our PDF on aircraft performance. That problem set covered cruise flight of turbojet planes, not piston-prop craft. The latter are considered in the present article.

Range and endurance of piston-prop aircraft

The range of constant altitude-constant lift coefficient cruise flight for a turboprop plane is given by

\displaystyle {{x}_{{h-{{C}_{L}}}}}=\frac{{k{{\eta }_{P}}E}}{{\hat{c}}}\ln \left( {\frac{1}{{1-\zeta }}} \right)\,\,\,(\text{I})

Here, \displaystyle {{\eta }_{p}} is propeller efficiency, E is aerodynamic efficiency, \displaystyle \hat{c} is the power-specific fuel consumption (PSFC), \displaystyle \zeta is the fuel weight fraction, and k is a constant. The value of k depends on the system of units used to represent brake power. If the engine power is prescribed in horsepower, k = 550 ft-lb/s-hp. If the engine power is in kilowatts, the value of k = 1000 W/kW. Lastly, if brake power is given in a standard system of units, either foot/pound/second (FPS) or SI, the value of k = 1.

The range of constant airspeed-constant lift coefficient flight is the same as that of a constant \displaystyle h-{{C}_{L}} flight, namely,

\displaystyle {{x}_{{V-{{C}_{L}}}}}=\frac{{k{{\eta }_{P}}E}}{{\hat{c}}}\ln \left( {\frac{1}{{1-\zeta }}} \right)\,\,\,(\text{II})

The range of a constant altitude-constant airspeed flight is given by

\displaystyle {{x}_{{h-V}}}=\frac{{2k{{\eta }_{p}}{{E}_{m}}}}{{\hat{c}}}{{\tan }^{{-1}}}\left[ {\frac{{{{E}_{1}}\zeta }}{{2{{E}_{m}}\left( {1-K{{E}_{1}}{{C}_{{L,1}}}\zeta } \right)}}} \right]\,\,\,(\text{III})

In addition to the familar variables, here we have the induced drag correction factor K and the maximum aerodynamic efficiency \displaystyle {{E}_{m}} = 1/2\displaystyle \sqrt{{K{{C}_{{D,0}}}}}. Subscript 1 denotes values considered at the start of cruise.

The endurance of constant altitude-constant lift coefficient flight is given by

\displaystyle {{t}_{{h-{{C}_{L}}}}}=\frac{{2k{{\eta }_{p}}E}}{{\hat{c}{{V}_{1}}}}\left( {\frac{1}{{\sqrt{{1-\zeta }}}}-1} \right)\,\,\,(\text{IV})

The endurance of constant airspeed-constant lift coefficient flight is obtained by dividing equation (II) by the airspeed V, giving

\displaystyle {{t}_{{V-{{C}_{L}}}}}=\frac{{{{x}_{{V-{{C}_{L}}}}}}}{V}\,\,\,(\text{V})

In a similar manner, the endurance of constant altitude-constant airspeed flight is obtained by dividing equation (III) by the airspeed, that is,

\displaystyle {{t}_{{h-V}}}=\frac{{{{x}_{{h-V}}}}}{V}\,\,\,(\text{VI})

Application to an aircraft – part 1

Consider an aircraft of weight 7500 N, wing area 11.5 m², and drag coefficient given by \displaystyle {{C}_{D}} = 0.031 + 0.143\displaystyle C_{L}^{2}. It is flying at an altiitude of 4 km with a piston-prop engine whose propeller efficiency is 0.82 and whose power specific fuel consumption is \displaystyle 5\times {{10}^{{-7}}} N/s/W. The cruise-fuel weight fraction of the aircraft is 0.11. If the airspeed of the aircraft is 290 km/h, find the range and endurance during cruise in the cases of constant \displaystyle h-{{C}_{L}}, constant \displaystyle V-{{C}_{L}}, and constant \displaystyle h-V flights.

The wing loading is W/S = 7500/11.5 = 652 N/m². The airspeed is converted as = 290/3.6 = 80.6 m/s. The density of air at sea level is \displaystyle {{\rho }_{{SSL}}} = 1.225 kg/m³. For an altitude of 4000 m, we take the density ratio \displaystyle \sigma = 0.6689 (see, e.g., The Engineering Toolbox). The lift coefficient of the aircraft at the start of cruise is given by

\displaystyle {{C}_{L}}=\frac{{2\left( {W/S} \right)}}{{{{\rho }_{{SSL}}}\sigma {{V}^{2}}}}=\frac{{2\times 652}}{{1.225\times 0.6689\times {{{80.6}}^{2}}}}=0.245

The drag coefficient is given by the drag polar as

\displaystyle {{C}_{D}}=0.031+0.143\times {{0.245}^{2}}=0.0396

The aerodynamic efficiency at the start of cruise is \displaystyle E = \displaystyle {{C}_{L}}/\displaystyle {{C}_{D}} = 0.245/0.0396 = 6.19. The value of k for SI units is 1.0. The range for constant \displaystyle h-{{C}_{L}} flight is given by equation (I),

\displaystyle {{x}_{{h-{{C}_{L}}}}}=\frac{{k{{\eta }_{P}}E}}{{\hat{c}}}\ln \left( {\frac{1}{{1-\zeta }}} \right)

\displaystyle {{x}_{{h-{{C}_{L}}}}}=\frac{{1.0\times 0.82\times 6.19}}{{5\times {{{10}}^{{-7}}}}}\ln \left( {\frac{1}{{1-0.11}}} \right)=1.18\times {{10}^{6}}\,\text{m}=1180\,\,\text{km}\leftarrow

The corresponding endurance is given by equation (IV),

\displaystyle {{t}_{{h-{{C}_{L}}}}}=\frac{{2k{{\eta }_{p}}E}}{{\hat{c}{{V}_{1}}}}\left( {\frac{1}{{\sqrt{{1-\zeta }}}}-1} \right)

\displaystyle {{t}_{{h-{{C}_{L}}}}}=\frac{{2\times 1.0\times 0.82\times 6.19}}{{\left( {5\times {{{10}}^{{-7}}}} \right)\times 80.6}}\times \left( {\frac{1}{{\sqrt{{1-0.11}}}}-1} \right)=15,100\,\,\text{s}=4.19\,\text{h}\leftarrow

The range for a constant \displaystyle V-{{C}_{L}} flight is the same as that for constant \displaystyle h-{{C}_{L}} flight; that is,

\displaystyle {{x}_{{V-{{C}_{L}}}}}={{x}_{{h-{{C}_{L}}}}}=1180\,\,\text{km}\leftarrow

The corresponding endurance is

\displaystyle {{t}_{{V-{{C}_{L}}}}}=\frac{{1.18\times {{{10}}^{6}}}}{{80.6}}=14,600\,\,\text{s}=4.06\,\,\text{h}\leftarrow

The range of constant \displaystyle h-V flight follows from equation (III). Before proceeding, we require the maximum aerodynamic efficiency 1/\displaystyle 2\sqrt{{0.031\times 0.143}} = 7.51. Accordingly,

\displaystyle {{x}_{{h-V}}}=\frac{{2k{{\eta }_{p}}{{E}_{m}}}}{{\hat{c}}}{{\tan }^{{-1}}}\left[ {\frac{{{{E}_{1}}\zeta }}{{2{{E}_{m}}\left( {1-K{{E}_{1}}{{C}_{{L,1}}}\zeta } \right)}}} \right]

\displaystyle {{x}_{{h-V}}}=\frac{{2\times 1.0\times 0.82\times 7.51}}{{5.0\times {{{10}}^{{-7}}}}}{{\tan }^{{-1}}}\left[ {\frac{{6.19\times 0.11}}{{2\times 7.51\times \left( {1-0.143\times 6.19\times 0.245\times 0.11} \right)}}} \right]=1.14\times {{10}^{6}}\,\text{m}=1140\,\,\text{km}\leftarrow

The corresponding endurance is straightforwardly obtained as

\displaystyle {{t}_{{h-V}}}=\frac{{{{x}_{{h-V}}}}}{V}=\frac{{1.14\times {{{10}}^{6}}}}{{80.6}}=14,100\,\,\text{s}=3.93\,\,\text{h}

The results are summarized in the following table.

Maximum-range cruise flight of piston-prop aircraft

The maximum-range airspeed of a piston-prop craft in constant \displaystyle V-{{C}_{L}} flight or a constant \displaystyle h-{{C}_{L}} flight can be shown to be

\displaystyle {{V}_{{MR,V-{{C}_{L}}}}}={{V}_{{MR,h-{{C}_{L}}}}}={{\left[ {\frac{{2\left( {{W}/{S}\;} \right)}}{{{{\rho }_{{SSL}}}\sigma }}} \right]}^{{{1}/{2}\;}}}{{\left( {\frac{K}{{{{C}_{{D,0}}}}}} \right)}^{{{1}/{4}\;}}}\,\,(\text{VII})

The maximum range for a constant \displaystyle V-{{C}_{L}} or a constant \displaystyle h-{{C}_{L}} flight is

\displaystyle {{x}_{{MR,V-{{C}_{L}}}}}={{x}_{{MR,h-{{C}_{L}}}}}=\frac{{k{{\eta }_{p}}{{E}_{m}}}}{{\hat{c}}}\ln \left( {\frac{1}{{1-\zeta }}} \right)\,\,\,(\text{VIII})

which is identical to equation (II), with the exception that the aerodynamic efficiency \displaystyle E has been replaced with the maximum value \displaystyle {{E}_{m}}.

The maximum-range airspeed for constant \displaystyle h-V flight is given by

\displaystyle {{V}_{{MR,h-V}}}={{\left[ {\frac{{2\left( {{{{{W}_{1}}}}/{S}\;} \right)}}{{{{\rho }_{{SSL}}}\sigma }}} \right]}^{{{1}/{2}\;}}}{{\left[ {\frac{{K\left( {1-{{\zeta }^{*}}} \right)}}{{{{C}_{{D,0}}}}}} \right]}^{{{1}/{4}\;}}}\,\,\,(\text{IX})

Lastly, the maximum range for constant \displaystyle h-V flight is expressed as

\displaystyle {{x}_{{MR,h-V}}}=\frac{{2k{{\eta }_{p}}{{E}_{m}}}}{{\hat{c}}}{{\tan }^{{-1}}}\left( {\frac{\zeta }{{2\sqrt{{1-\zeta }}}}} \right)\,\,\,(\text{X})

Application to an aircraft – part 2

Reconsider the previous numerical example. We are now interested in the maximum-range airspeed, the maximum range, and the endurance for constant \displaystyle V-{{C}_{L}} and constant \displaystyle h-V flights.

The maximum-range airspeed for constant \displaystyle V-{{C}_{L}} flight is given by equation (VII),

\displaystyle {{V}_{{MR,V-{{C}_{L}}}}}={{\left[ {\frac{{2\left( {{W}/{S}\;} \right)}}{{{{\rho }_{{SSL}}}\sigma }}} \right]}^{{{1}/{2}\;}}}{{\left( {\frac{K}{{{{C}_{{D,0}}}}}} \right)}^{{{1}/{4}\;}}}

\displaystyle {{V}_{{MR,V-{{C}_{L}}}}}={{\left( {\frac{{2\times 652}}{{1.225\times 0.6689}}} \right)}^{{{1}/{2}\;}}}\times {{\left( {\frac{{0.143}}{{0.031}}} \right)}^{{{1}/{4}\;}}}=58.5\,\,{\text{m}}/{\text{s}}\;\leftarrow

or, equivalently, 211 km/h. The maximum range for constant \displaystyle V-{{C}_{L}} flight is calculated  with equation (VIII),

\displaystyle {{x}_{{MR,V-{{C}_{L}}}}}=\frac{{k{{\eta }_{P}}{{E}_{m}}}}{{\hat{c}}}\ln \left( {\frac{1}{{1-\zeta }}} \right)

\displaystyle {{x}_{{MR,V-{{C}_{L}}}}}=\frac{{1.0\times 0.82\times 7.51}}{{5.0\times {{{10}}^{{-7}}}}}\ln \left( {\frac{1}{{1-0.11}}} \right)=1.44\times {{10}^{6}}\,\text{m}=1440\,\,\text{km}

The corresponding endurance is

\displaystyle {{t}_{{MR,V-{{C}_{L}}}}}=\frac{{{{x}_{{MR,V-{{C}_{L}}}}}}}{{{{V}_{{MR,V-{{C}_{L}}}}}}}=\frac{{1.44\times {{{10}}^{6}}}}{{58.5}}=24,600\,\,\text{s}=6.83\,\,\text{h}

Next, the maximum-range airspeed for constant \displaystyle h-V flight is computed using equation (IX),

\displaystyle {{V}_{{MR,h-V}}}={{\left[ {\frac{{2\left( {{{{{W}_{1}}}}/{S}\;} \right)}}{{{{\rho }_{{SSL}}}\sigma }}} \right]}^{{{1}/{2}\;}}}{{\left[ {\frac{{K\left( {1-{{\zeta }^{*}}} \right)}}{{{{C}_{{D,0}}}}}} \right]}^{{{1}/{4}\;}}}

\displaystyle {{V}_{{MR,h-V}}}={{\left( {\frac{{2\times 652}}{{1.225\times 0.6689}}} \right)}^{{{1}/{2}\;}}}{{\left[ {\frac{{0.143\times \left( {1-0.11} \right)}}{{0.031}}} \right]}^{{{1}/{4}\;}}}=56.8\,\,{\text{m}}/{\text{s}}\;

or, equivalently, 204 km/h. The maximum range for this flight program follows from equation (X),

\displaystyle {{x}_{{MR,h-V}}}=\frac{{2k{{\eta }_{p}}{{E}_{m}}}}{{\hat{c}}}{{\tan }^{{-1}}}\left( {\frac{\zeta }{{2\sqrt{{1-\zeta }}}}} \right)

\displaystyle {{x}_{{MR;h-V}}}=\frac{{2\times 1.0\times 0.82\times 7.51}}{{5.0\times {{{10}}^{{-7}}}}}{{\tan }^{{-1}}}\left( {\frac{{0.11}}{{2\sqrt{{1-0.11}}}}} \right)=1.43\times {{10}^{6}}\,\,\text{m}=1.430\,\,\text{km}\leftarrow

The corresponding endurance is

\displaystyle {{t}_{{MR,h-V}}}=\frac{{{{x}_{{MR,h-V}}}}}{{{{V}_{{MR,h-V}}}}}=\frac{{1.43\times {{{10}}^{6}}}}{{56.8}}=25,100\,\,\text{s}=6.97\,\,\text{h}

The maximum-range airspeed, maximum range, and the endurance for the two flight programs have been established. Our results are summarized below.

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• HALE, F. (1984). Aircraft Performance, Selection, and Design. Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons.

• OJHA, S. (1995). Flight Performance of Aircraft. Washington: AIAA.

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